Friday, December 1, 2006

Kandahar AirField, Afghanistan (KAF)

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KAF (Kandahar Air Field, Afghanistan). The red X in the middle of the picture is the hanger where are choppers are located at this time. To the right of the hanger by the trees is my hooch (tent). Living by the runway there a lot noise at night by the choppers you see below are hanger launching at all hours and the planes landing which this noise is not bad but when the bad guys shoot rockets into our locations, POI-point of impact classified don't want to let them know where they are landing. Makes your night sleep go bad unless you wear earplugs. I did this in Iraq because where I was there was no bunkers and at KAF the nearest bunkers were to far from my tent and by the time you got to the bunker it was full. Sometimes the earplugs worked but when the mortars or rockets land close by can't say what I would said "$%#&*" then I would put on my armor stuff and hit the floor without the earplugs.

left click on the picture for a bigger view
During the 2001 war there was big gunfight with the Taliban in this hanger and while some fled to a building (pic later) left of the hanger as you look at it this is where the Taliban made their last stand, we call it the TLS building, no prisoners taken. After the smoke cleared in the hanger shot up by chopper gunships and soldiers there were around 400 killed Taliban's in the hanger.
Inside this hanger is where we have our six Huey choppers at this time and other stuff. Every now and then I could smell the Talibans that were killed in and around the hanger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be sure to keep in touch, either on the blogs or email me. Let me know if there is anything you feel should be posted about at Right Truth.

God bless you and all the other great folks in Iraq, Afghanistan and everywhere around the world.