Friday, November 24, 2006

The Plane

We had to knock off the ice on the wings before take off. This is the plane we fly back and forth from Kubul and Kandahar. This is the same plane that crashed a few months later killing both pilots and the crew chief and two little girls on the ground when it crashed into their house. What happened was during landing at an airfield by KAF a truck drove across the runway in front of the plane and the pilot pulled power and tried to take off but ran out of runway killing them, there also was 15 other people on board (our guys) came out with little injuries. The guy on my left is my body guard since I haven't been issued my weapons at that time and flew with us in the above plane to Kandahar and back to Kabul. Flying time one way is about two hours.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


The red A is Kabul (Captiol) of Afghanistan.

The red X is Kandahar, where most of the pictures and surrounding area where taken.

Also, this is the home of the Taliban. This area is where most of the fighting has been this year and where I was stationed, Kandahar AirField (KAF)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Afghanistan pictures

Kabul, Afghanistan, behind me is an old British fort. Standing on the roof where we were staying. Bad food and no heat, sometimes electricity

Pictures Afghanistan is next. First few pictures were taken in Kabul, Afghanistan. Which is the Captiol. Most of the pictures were taken at Kandahar AirField (KAF), Afghanistan and surrounding areas.